Error Management Systems
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Easy-Flow Dashboard

User Friendly Design

All data is accessed through an easy to understand and operate dashboard. From here, navigation controls are made available depending upon user role priveleges.
View Projects

Manage Multiple Projects

The projects view allows administrators and project managers to see all projects in the system. The list is searchable but detailed views of projects are limited to either the administrator or the assigned PM.
View Tickets

Manage Multiple Tickets

The tickets view is similar to the projects view in that the level of visibility is again set on a need-to-know basis. Excluding the adminidtrator role, assignment and ownership of a ticket determines the level of access.
Other Views

Other Views

Every ticket gives the appropriate users the ability to add comments and attachments. Certain changes to tickets such as user assignement, status, priority, and type will trigger an automatic history and/or a notification, all of which are easily viewd by the user.

Successful Projects*

Analytics Report*

Award Winning*

Happy Customers*
*All of these statistic are fabricted-for demonstration only.

Explore EMS User Roles

Click user role to enter demo.


The administrator role has full access over all users, projects and tickets.

Project Manager

Project managers can view a list of all projects, and have full control over all projects they are assigned to.


A submitter has the sole responsiblity of creating tickets for projects ther are assigned to.


Developers are responsible for resolving tickets to which they are assigned.

Contact EMS

Would you like to speak to one of our software development consultants here at Error Management Systems? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly.

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